Saturday, December 12, 2015

Protein Synthesis Lab Conclution

     In this lab we asked the question, how does the body produce proteins? What kinds of mutations cause the greatest damage to the structure of a protein? Their are multiple types of mutations like insertion where a base pair is added to the DNA sequence. Another is deletion where a base is deleted and not replaced. This causes all the other bases to move over one. This is known as a frameshift mutation. Substitution is another mutation which just switches out a base and replaces with another base.
     The first step of protein syntheses is when DNA splits into two strands. Then RNA is transcribed with the DNA replacing thymine with uracil. The RNA becomes mRNA and move to the ribosomes in the cytoplasm. The ribosomes read the mRNA and read the codons and produce the proteins. We found that the frameshift mutation caused the most damage in the structure of a protein. In test 4 of our experiment, we deleted base T, this caused to form the codon UGA, also known as the stop codon, two proteins later. This supports our claim because in our other experiments only one protein was changed.
     In step seven, we got to chose our own mutations.I chose a substitution mutation and replaced G base with a T during the transcription phase. This created the stop codon UAA and than no other proteins were made. I chose this mutation because I wanted to show that en the small mutations could make a difference.
     This relate to my life because it shows how lucky I am to not have a genetic disease that could hamper my life.    
     Some possible errors could be that we copied some of the bases incorrectly causing false outcomes when translating DNA to RNA. This could be fixed by being more carefully.
      This lab was demonstrated to show that these mutation can drastically change a humans health or physical appearance with one simple mistake.  From this lab, I learned about mutations which helps me learn the concept of DNA to RNA or translation.

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