Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Unit 5 Review

     In unit 5, we learned about DNA (that was an over all description). So specifics could be what DNA it made out of which are Nitrogen bases pairs adenine, thymine, cytosine and guanine. Adenine pairs with thymine and cytosine pairs with guanine. DNA is also made of nitrogen, phosphate and a sugar. Next we learned how DNA is copied through a process called semi conservative DNA replication. Step 1 is for the DNA to unzip breaking the hydrogen bonds between the base pairs. Step two consists of DNA Polymerase, an enzyme, matching nucleotides to each strand. After this process, the outcome will result in two identical stands of DNA. Next we learned about how proteins are made, a process called protein syntheses, and RNA. The simple process consists of DNA to RNA to proteins. Some differences between DNA and RNA is that RNA is single stranded, contains a base hat replaces thymine called and RNA is a temporary copy. The first part of protein syntheses is transcription. this occurs in the nucleus and where RNA polymerase reads and copies the DNA code for protein as mRNA (messenger RNA) copy. The next step is translation. next their are mutations where the mostly affect DNA and protein produced by it.
      Some strengths were the base pairs and what DNA is made off and a weakness would be remembering all the steps of protein syntheses. Successes consisted of understanding what we were doing in our labs and a set back is that I was absent for a day and I missed a lab. I wonder about how the human body was able to figure all this out and the entire process of all of this.

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