Friday, May 20, 2016

20 Time Final Conclution

     Recently, my partner and I presented our TED Talk in class. In my opinion, we did a great job. From personal experience I have never been good at presenting things, and this, so far, was one of my best presentations yet. We tried to make our presentation funny to keep our viewers interested. We even have the YouTube video here.
     Our presentation was about what aliens could potentially look like. We never found a definitive answer, but we got some general ideas. For example, the ability to absorb radiation.

Monday, May 9, 2016

20 Time Project

     In this project, my partner and I challenged our self's by researching a topic we have never been thought or looked into to deeply bu we still found the topic quite interesting. We chose this topic because we like a challenge and like I said before, this is and interesting topic.  
This is where I got it
     Our plan was to look at planets and make or put organisms on different planets at see what changes would make that organism survive. This did not go to well. We did not know what we were getting into and decided to change the direction of the project at the last minute. What I learned from this as that you should always plan for what you want ahead of time. If I had the choice to change my project I would not, because I had a lot of fun making this. So I will continue this challenge until the end. 

Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Unit 9 Reflection

This where I got This
     This unit was mostly about the taxonomy and classifying what organisms belong in each kingdom. We had a presentation called "What on earth evolved." It was based on a book called What On Earth Evolved? We got to chose an animal, from the book, that changed the world.
You can find this picture here
     For example, I chose the Earthworm, for some reason, and I got to make a presentation on any information I could find about the organism. Later I would have to present this topic to my class which was not that successful. I ended up getting really nervous and really boring because of it. Later in the year I will have to make a Ted Talk presentation on my 20 time project.

You can view my presentation here

     Also, we learned how we are related to a common ancestor and how we evolve through mass extinctions. We watched a PBS series about our inner fish which is called My Inner Fish. This series showed an anatomist and his adventures of finding bones that link gapes in Phylogenetic trees. The Tiktaalik is one example of what he found and it was an animal that showed the transition between water to land.

Sunday, May 1, 2016

My Inner Fish

Here is where i got this pic
     In the past few classes, we have watched a series called My Inner Fish. It explained how we evolved form species in our distant pass. For example, it talked about how we came to have hair. Apparently hair first started, like whiskers, of as a sensory gland and evolved to keep warmth. Another example would be the way we evolved a three piece ear bone. This was in episode two of the series.
     The first episode talked about the transition between water to land. This animal was named the Tiktaalic and had the body of a fish and a head that resembled an alligator.