Monday, February 22, 2016

What Could Aliens Look Like?

      In my class I am doing a project called 20 Time. The goal of this project is to give students freedom to research what they are interested in. The "20" in 20 Time means that 20% of a class period is dedicated for that research. 
     For my project My partner and I asked the question, "what could aliens look like on other planets." We have chose to dedicate our time reassuring different planets that have similar elements of earth and decide what are the optimal physical characteristics these aliens could have. We chose this because we both have a deep fascination about extra tries rial life. Our goals are to find and explain a simple representation of the alien we have created. We will measure our progress through these blogger posts. Our plan is to find planets that have the potential to harbor life. 


  1. Your approach towards finding more about ET life is good. I look forward to learning more about your conclusions and findings! -Ethan

  2. Since I am also working on this same project with you, I like what we are doing and I hope we accomplish a lot!
    -Mark Masulis

  3. Looks really interesting, also how will you find planets like those where life is possible? Are you going to use a certain website?

  4. Look really fun and interesting, and the topic of extraterrestrial life is really interesting. You should see what it would require to live on other planets and certain adaptations aliens could have that are different from humans
