Friday, February 26, 2016

Unit 7 Reflection

      This unit the main focus was ecology and conservation biology. We learned what happens in environments, how it happens and how it affects us humans as a spices. Another main part of this unit was about saving the environment and the problems we caused to the environment.
       This unit I mainly wanted to learn how to save the environment and what we could do to help. One unanswered question I have is that how can I make a big difference to help the environment. And I wonder if i will make a big difference to the environment.
       In this unit we took part in a project where our table groups make a presentation on an endangered environment like the Great Barrier Reef which is what my group did. And I learned, from that project, that many, many environments that we depend on are in tremendous danger due to human actions.
       In our project we never had any trouble with getting people to do something or any anger management problems. We all collaborated well with each other and did everything well and on time. Some time ago, we  took a  personality teat on being assertive, passive, passive aggressive, or aggressive. The highest score I got was assertive. When it came to a conflict we would all listen to each others ideas and decided on which one would be the best.

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