Friday, October 2, 2015

Macromoleculs Lab

Macromolecules Lab

     In this lab we asked the question, can macromolecules be identified in an egg cell? We found that the egg white had protein, that was recognized with sodium hydroxide which turns blue to purple; Lipids, which was recognized with sudan III and turns brown to black; Polysaccarides, which were recognized with Iodine blue to purple; and monosaccharides we used with Benedictines solution which turns from blue to green or orange. We suspect that Polysaccarides, lipids, and monosaccharides are used as a source of energy for the development of the egg. Protein is used for the growth and development of the chick itself like its tissues and organs.
    In the membrane of the egg, we found polysaccarides and lipids. We believe these macromolecules are here because they are used to communicate with other cells.
    In the yolk, we found that monosaccarides, lipids, proteins, and polysaccharides. We know that  polysaccharides and monosaccarides provide energy for the cell. Lipids hold together the membrane. Lastly protein make the bone structure of the chick.
     Some possible errors with our experiment could be that when we added sodium hydroxide to the egg yolk it turned a different color it was suppose to. It was suppose to turn blue to purple but it turned green because blue and yellow make green. Another error could have been the bad working conditions because the test tubes have not been properly cleaned so the substances from that could have interfered with our results. These mistakes could have been avoided if we had a clean working environment and maybe use a different substance for finding protein in the yolk.
      In this lab we demonstrated the components and the macromolecules in an egg. From this lab, I learned about macromolecules this helps me understand the concept of macromolecules. Based on my experience form this lab I now know that macromolecules are essential to our lives, and without them, our lives would be a lot harder.

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