Friday, October 16, 2015

Unit 3 Reflection

     In this unit, the 2 major concepts we learned were photosynthesis and cellular respiration.
     Photosynthesis is the process of making sugar or glucose for the plat to grow. There are are light independent and light dependent reactions. One process, known as the Calvin cycle, uses carbon dioxide (CO2) and enzymes to produce these sugars that the pant needs. A light dependent reaction requires light in order to function. Their is a organelle in the plant cell called the chloroplast that converts solar energy into sugar with water (H20) and carbon dioxide and it produces Oxygen (O2) and sugar.
     Cellular respiration takes place in the mitochondria and requires oxygen and sugar to produce carbon dioxide, water, and ATP. ATP is one of the only molecule that can be "recharged" through adding one phosphate molecule. their are thee steps in cellular respiration, the first being Glycolysis, the second is the Krebs Cycle, and lastly the Electron transport chain. Glycolysis requires 2 ATP and occurs in the cytoplasm for every glucose molecule. The next step is the Krebs Cycle or the Citric acid Cycle. This step needs glucose to form 2 ATP, CO2, and electron carrying molecules. The next step named Electron Tranceport Chain occurs in mitochondria and uses oxygen, NADH, and FADH to convert ADP to ATP. This whole process produces 36 ATP, 6 molecules of CO2, and 6 molecules of H2O.
     In this unit the most trouble I had was trying to memorize all the steps to cellular respiration
     I would like to learn more about cellular respiration because I felt like it was the most interesting but photosynthesis was a close second. 
     From my experiences of this unit I now know how complicated plat or animal can be. but we only scratched the surface of that. 

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Egg Diffusion Lab

     I this lab, we learned about diffusion. And we demonstrated this on eggs. We put eggs in vinegar than de-ionized water than sugar water. 

     When we put the egg in de-ionized water, it grew exponentiation. This happened because of passive diffusion. The process where molecules pass through the membrane without any energy usage and the cell can not control it. The egg grew because it was absorbing water for the outside solution which had a higher concentration than the the cell which had a lower concentration. This is known as hypertonic.
     A cells environment changes because it wants to achieve equilibrium. This happen through the process called diffusion which is explained above. This is shown by the contents of the cell as well as the size of it. Adding vinegar it dissolved the eggs cell, then putting it in de-ionized water made the egg grew, that lastly we put it in a sugary solution which made it shrink.
     This lab shown the biological principal know as diffusion and equilibrium because we saw the affects of these principals on the eggs.
     I can apply this to life when you drink water from the ocean. The ocean water is extremely salty so the amount of water is unbalanced. So the water leaves the cell through diffusion and leaves the salt making you more thirsty.
     After this experiment, I would like to test the effects of salt. For example, putting salt on raw meat and explain why meat does not rot or mold as fast.
     Markets put water on vegetables of fruits to keep the food wet and not dry out.

Class Data: Control (DI water)

% Change in mass

% Change in circumference

Class Data: Sugar Water

% Change in mass

% Change in circumference


Friday, October 2, 2015

Macromoleculs Lab

Macromolecules Lab

     In this lab we asked the question, can macromolecules be identified in an egg cell? We found that the egg white had protein, that was recognized with sodium hydroxide which turns blue to purple; Lipids, which was recognized with sudan III and turns brown to black; Polysaccarides, which were recognized with Iodine blue to purple; and monosaccharides we used with Benedictines solution which turns from blue to green or orange. We suspect that Polysaccarides, lipids, and monosaccharides are used as a source of energy for the development of the egg. Protein is used for the growth and development of the chick itself like its tissues and organs.
    In the membrane of the egg, we found polysaccarides and lipids. We believe these macromolecules are here because they are used to communicate with other cells.
    In the yolk, we found that monosaccarides, lipids, proteins, and polysaccharides. We know that  polysaccharides and monosaccarides provide energy for the cell. Lipids hold together the membrane. Lastly protein make the bone structure of the chick.
     Some possible errors with our experiment could be that when we added sodium hydroxide to the egg yolk it turned a different color it was suppose to. It was suppose to turn blue to purple but it turned green because blue and yellow make green. Another error could have been the bad working conditions because the test tubes have not been properly cleaned so the substances from that could have interfered with our results. These mistakes could have been avoided if we had a clean working environment and maybe use a different substance for finding protein in the yolk.
      In this lab we demonstrated the components and the macromolecules in an egg. From this lab, I learned about macromolecules this helps me understand the concept of macromolecules. Based on my experience form this lab I now know that macromolecules are essential to our lives, and without them, our lives would be a lot harder.