Monday, September 21, 2015

Unit 2 Reviw

Unit 2 Review

    In this unit, the first thing we learned was,  "The properties of water.". Water is different form most solutions because of its ability to combine or mix with other substances, being one of the most used solvents, how it is cohesive and adhesive (it does this with hydrogen bonds), and lastly, its polarity. Polar meas that one side of the molecule has a positive charge and the other has a negative charge. This give water its ability to combine itself together. We also learned the basics of how atoms work. Atoms have isotopes which are variations on an atom that has a different amount of protons than neutrons. 
   Next, we learned about solvents and solutes. Solvents, like water, is the greater amount of liquid in a container. Solute is the liquid that is being dissolved by the solvent. We also learned about suspension. Suspension is a substance that is put in a liquid and dissolved. But never fully dissolved. Their are still tiny pieces left behind that are not fully dissolved.
  Next is the most important topic we learned, macroeconomics. Carbohydrates, lipids, protein, and nucleic acid. Carbohydrates gives the energy your body needs to do daily functions like running of jumping. Lipids store unused energy that is in the form of fat. Lipids also dissolve in water. Proteins are the most versatile of the macro molecules. they give energy help reproduce and build bone as well as mussels and can speed up or slow down chemical reactions in your body. Nucleic acids store genetic information in forms of DNA and RNA.  

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