Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Unit 4 reflection

    In this unit, the main or over all topic we were studding was sex. We learned how sex cell or gametes are produced trough the process called meiosis. Do not get confuse meiosis with mitosis these are two f different processes. Meiosis is for sex related needs like sperm (for males) or eggs (for females). And it goes in to a lot more depth between these two processes. My weaknesses in this unit was defiantly trying to mesmerize all the details of the process meiosis. My strengths would be in punnett squares and solving them. I studied by reading each section from chapter 11 and 14 from the book and then quizzing myself like what is a hybrid cross. Successes in my studding was the dedication of doing one section of textbook notes a day. One setback would be forgetting to do 11-5. What I learned form doing my infografic was a that it was a fancy was of making a summery of your topic which is a lot better than writing a boring summery. A life skill I learned was definitely learning to do a punnett square.

Coin sex lab conclusion

      In this lab, we simulated sex by flipping coins which represented Mendel's law of independent assortment which talks about meiosis, which is the basis of our experiment or recombination. We did many experiments or simulations. For example, we did a cross with X-linked chromosomes, which was our mono-hybrid cross, and performed X-linked inheritance. From this cross we got homozygous combinations and heterozygous combination. When we crossed With our dihybrid cross, which is a cross with two different genes or 4 alleles, we expected a 9: 3: 3: 1 phenotypic ratio and when we flipped coins we got a phenotypic ratio of 9: 3: 4: 0 which was really close to the expectation or the average. The limit to using probability to predict our offspring's traits is that you can not pinpoint the exact trait your child will receive. Understanding this concept relates to my life is when I might have kids I will be able to know what traits or genetic deceases my child might get.